Friday, January 14, 2011

The Sugar Shack

Dear Journal,

Because I am venturing into baking commercially now I thought it best to find a good name for my little home made business and branch out on my own, rather than go as a part of mum's bakery. How great would it be to print out some pretty cake boxes, flyers and maybe even my very own business card!

After weeks of research and short listing I finally narrowed it down to 2 options with the help of Mom, Dad, TK and two of my friends Boothas and NakiCharles! The final choice was between 'The Batter Bowl Bakery' (which was quite a mouthful) and 'The Sugar Shack'....

I let mum make the final decision and we now have a name for my business....  
The Sugar Shack



  1. Congratulations!
    And I guess someone can help you out with all this branding nuh?!

  2. Thank you, thank you!

    I need to come speak to you reg. the business cards!
