Friday, January 28, 2011

Butter Monopoly

Dear Journal,

Due to the earlier mentioned Butter shortage my creativity and productivity were nipped at the bud the last couple of weeks! Apparently the butter-making-machine has packed up and they dont even know when they are going to start repairing it! *Sigh*

MooMoo to the Rescue!
My ever loving mother (fondly referred to as MooMoo) tracked down some supplier/rep and managed to get me 25 KG of Butter! Now that is a LOT of butter! More than I will be able to use in a life time, I think. But Yay, now I can get back to baking with a vengeance!



  1. Hurrah, MooMoo to the rescue! Post us some pics of your Milo cupcakes!

  2. My photographer (TK) is currently in Galle, the moment she is back I shall post pics of the Milo cupcakes for you!
